السبت 27 يوليو 2024 - 3:06 ص
رئيس التحرير: اشرف توفيق مدير التحرير: محمد سليمان

Banque Misr Announces Strategic Partnership and Major Investment in BELMAZAD, Egypt’s First Digital Public Auction Platform

Banque Misr Announces Strategic Partnership and Major Investment in BELMAZAD, Egypt’s First Digital Public Auction Platform
Cairo, Egypt — Banque Misr, one of Egypt’s leading financial institutions, has embarked on a strategic partnership and significant investment in “BELMAZAD”, the pioneering digital platform for public auctions in Egypt. This collaboration aligns with Banque Misr’s digital transformation strategy to enhance and digitize its operations, supporting the Egyptian government’s initiative to accelerate digital transformation through increased reliance on technology in real estate asset management.
Mr. Mohamed El Etreby, Chairman of Banque Misr, highlighted that the bank’s strategy aligns with the nation’s broader digital services expansion plan. “Our commitment to digital transformation is aimed at continually providing electronic solutions that simplify processes for our customers, tailored to their needs,” El Etreby stated. He added, “Leveraging technology has become essential in maintaining competitive and leading economic entities, and through our partnership with ‘BELMAZAD,’ we are enhancing our services and supporting digital transformation.”
BELMAZAD will feature assets owned by Banque Misr, available for bidding in an open auction format through the platform. This initiative will facilitate a more efficient and transparent asset management and sales process.
Mr. Hossam Abdelwahab, Vice Chairman of Banque Misr, expressed the bank’s strong belief in the platform’s role and its commitment to supporting startups that bring innovative ideas aligned with digital transformation goals. The partnership involves funding to aid BELMAZAD in its initial development and expansion phases, thus boosting Egypt’s real estate investment climate.
Mahmoud Farahat, co-founder of BELMAZAD, regards the cooperation with Banque Misr as a testament to the platform’s credibility and a strong foundation for future contracts with other asset-owning entities in Egypt. Farahat emphasized, “The platform introduces electronic public auction services to the Egyptian market for the first time, enhancing transparency and efficiency in asset sales.”
The innovative platform aims to digitize traditional auction processes by reducing reliance on manual interventions, thus increasing transparency and impartiality in transactions. Omar Dewey, co-founder of BELMAZAD, noted, “Our platform minimizes the time and effort required in traditional auction methods by allowing customers to participate in auctions online, making the process more accessible and widespread.”
Banque Misr continues to support digital transformation efforts by providing electronic solutions that significantly enhance banking and financial services for its customers, fostering a commitment to sustainable development and prosperity in Egypt.

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